Friday, June 27, 2008


As promised! They are in order as best as I could get. Enjoy!

All packed and ready to go to the airport.
All of our luggage. This was taken about 2 seconds before the whole thing toppled over.

Finally in the DR! Nicole and Morgyn in the car on the way home.
"Asleep" on the plane.
On the plane and ready to take off!

One very off the wall child!
So happy to see Makenzie and Morgyn!
Kenz, Nicole and Morgyn (Morgyn just burped which is why Nicole is laughing and Morgyn is covering her mouth).

Boogie Boarding (How many of you can say you've been boogie boarding with your teacher? That is my former social work professor on a boogie board!)
Morgyn waiting "patiently" for our hotel room.
Playing in the ocean

More boogie boarding
And more.....
Still boogie boarding. Just imagine how much sand was in our bathing suits.

Boogie boarding again (I swear we did do some work while there).

Kayaking (which was horrible. It was less kayaking and more Nicole and I paddling Mak and Morgyn around)
They don't look like staff to me!
This is what happens to Missionary kids who don't have television at their house. You cannot pull them away from it for ANYTHING when they do have it.
Kenz at our resort

Starting to pack and sort (see we did work)
Pile of backpacks

I can totally live here!
Doing hair (Charlie was such a good sport!)
You want to do what to my hair? I don't think so, girls.
Thanks for the kiss Morgyn. She's not toturing me, even though it looks like it!
Hard Rock in Santo Domingo
Charlie and Makenz stuffed in the back of the car.
At the project in La Romana and Denise explaining what is needed.

Serving lunch to the kids.
Nicole giving stuff to the teachers.
Look at what I did!

Cute! I would have kept her, but she had a family.
Serving lunch
Handing out backpacks.

Getting everything out of the car. How many backpacks can one person carry?!

Loving this new backpack

What did you get?
New shoes for this little guy.

Handing out hair clips to the kids.

New princess sandlas were a hit!
Going home happy.

Project with the 22 women.

Handing out new journals. The town where this project is.
Nicole handing out new journals.
Children in the town of La Romana standing in their house (yes, no roof, no walls)

View from the highway (I wish my view looked like that here!)
Last night with the girls and we all slept in the same bed (what fun that was:) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to see photos of the Andersons! It looks like you did a lot of good work while you were there.