I don't think any of us can remember when we first had the idea to do a walk. However, right from the beginning we knew we wanted it to be something powerful. We knew that perhaps distance would not be the main objective, but rather, we were much more focused on making this a chance to really be a voice for those 27 million people who remain enslaved today. We talked about different ideas, when to do this, how, where, etc. While we didn't know much about details, we knew one thing for sure. We wanted to tell as many stories of those who are enslaved as we could. The number 27 million is overwhelming. It is large and vast. When you see a number like that, you only see the number, no names, or faces, or histories, or likes and dislikes. You don't see those 27 million dreams, beliefs, or values. The number 27 million doesn't come to you with 27 million stories. But, there are stories. Those are 27 million people, each with their own personality, things they love, people they love, experiences, life lessons. Those are 27 million people. More than distance or miles walked, we knew we wanted to bring those stories alive.
This will be a very symbolic walk. There are 7 different stories being written, each the story of a trafficked individual somewhere in the world. The stories have been taken from real life individuals, however altered to protect their identity and past. Each participant will be given a booklet with the story. They will walk, stopping at many stations along the way. Each station represents a stop along the journey a trafficked individual walks. The journey begins with safety as the story recounts happy times of the individual in their home. The stories describe how they are sold or taken, at the stop of uncertainty. The journey continues going through pain, shame and disgrace, numbness, anxiety, and then moving into hope, dignity, and ending in freedom. At each stop along the way, the participant in the walk will turn to the next page of their booklet and read about their individuals story at this stage of the journey. Towards the end of the walk each person will be given a candle and will light it. They will walk through the final stages of their journey with their lighted candle. When they have completed the walk the candle will be placed in a large sandbox still lit. We wanted something important to symbolize all those voices that will be heard this day. Originally we had envisioned a butterfly release, which can be costly, but I was even willing to settle for a moth release if needed :) However, due to the time of year, this won't be possible. So, we are ending with light. Still a meaningful symbol for these enslaved individuals.
The walk will take place on November 8, 2008 at Shady Brook Farm (931 Stony Hill Road, Yardley, PA 19067). Registration (if you have not already pre-registered) will begin at 10am. There will be a welcoming and opening at 10:45am and the walk will begin at 11am. There will be a short closing following the walk. There will be information available on the organizations we support and on upcoming projects we well. We hope you will join us to be a voice for those enslaved. Registration forms can be downloaded at our website, http://www.bethechangefoundation.org/.
Distance isn't the objective and we are not anticipating that the walk will be more than a mile or so. We're anticipating a very emotional and moving event. We realize this walk is just another opportunity we're being given to help be a voice for all of those around the world who are enslaved. Yes, the number 27 million certainly is overwhelming, large, and vast. So many people suffering in silence. But, on November 8, 2008, they will be heard. Please join us.
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