Friday, March 26, 2010

A Concert for Freedom

So, this is kind of a long story, but we like it, so we're telling the entire thing :)

In 2006 the church that the board members for Be the Change attend held an event called Praise-A-Palooza. This was an outdoor praise band festival. One of the featured guests in 2006 was Agape, A.K.A David Scherer. He is a well known Christian hip-hop artist. The youth LOVE him, and the adults love him just as much and are just as inspired by him and his songs and story telling. At this event in 2006 Diane spoke to him briefly about Be the Change, and I was also introduced to him. He was very interested in the cause, we chatted for awhile, and that was it.

Fast forward to summer of 2009. Kara went to New Orleans for the ELCA National Youth Gathering with 40,000 other individuals. David was there performing. We saw David and another well known Christian artist, Rachel Kurtz perform together.

Simply put, they rock. So much so that our youth borderline stalk them couldn't wait to get their pictures taken with them.

One of the days in New Orleans I approached the table that David was selling his t-shirts, CD's, etc. at. Mind you, I am in the midst of 100's of youth clamoring for his attention, wanting to say hi, etc. I was just casually looking at his items, waiting for our kids to decide on their final purchases. I said hello to David and he remembered who I was. From 3 years ago. He also remembered that I had something to do with the prevention of human trafficking. He has an awesome memory. We talked a few seconds, and that was it.

Fast forward to August 2009. Diane's cell phone rings. It's David, telling Diane that he is going on tour with Rachel Kurtz and other performers from the National Youth Gathering. They will be on tour in our area and he suggests that Be the Change do something. Whether that is speaking, having a table, whatever. He just thought it would be a good opportunity for us. Have I mentioned the man's memory amazes me?!

So, while this is all going on, I (Kara) am in Africa. So, I check my e-mail while I am there and find it is confirmed that I am speaking at the Jesus, Justice, Jazz concert tour, AND another event. At this point I had not decided for sure that I was even leaving Africa It's nice that Diane knows me well enough to commit me to these things while I am on another continent :)

So, the concert tour was on 9/26/2009. I spoke for two minutes. I was SO nervous. I have never spoken to that many people, and I wasn't so sure about my speech. After it was over, I walked off the stage. David and Rachel had been sitting right in front of me. Rachel walked up and asked if she could give me a hug. I don't remember what I said to her, I was still so nervous. I went back to my seat where Diane and our pastor and youth were and enjoyed the rest of the concert--no longer nervous. The concert ended. We left. Life went on.

Then I got an e-mail.

The woman who had coordinated the concert event e-mailed to tell me that Rachel and David had been very impressed with what I had said that day. I was touched that they got so much out of two minutes. So, I e-mailed both David and Rachel to thank them for their kind words and compassion towards the issue of human trafficking.

Then I got another e-mail (how I functioned before e-mail, I'll never know). This time, from Rachel Kurtz, herself.

I'm summarizing here, but the general idea of the e-mail was Let's do a fundraiser together, what do you think?

What do I think?!

Ummm...yes, famous singer, let's!

Only I found a more tactful way to say that.

So, all that to say, Rachel Kurtz will be in concert for Be the Change Foundation on June 6, 2010. It will take place at St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Devon, PA and begin at 5:30pm. In conjunction with the concert there will be a raffle for some amazing prizes that have been donated to us! We are WAY excited about this event, and have been so moved by the way this has all come together.

You may recall that several years ago we attempted to hold a walk-a-thon. It just didn't work. We continued to hit road block after road block with that event. We thought we were on the right path, even had a location picked out and the name of the road this location is on is called "Freedom Way."

How perfect is that?!

Meant to be. Right?


Things just did not play out and after much talking and many attempts, we gave up on the big event at that time. We just thought it was not our time. We were totally fine with that and we knew when it was our time, something would come along.

Well, I'm pretty sure, now is our time.

We are not a religiously based organization. However, it has been abundantly clear throughout planning for this concert for freedom, that there has been another Hand helping us in the planning.

This offer from Rachel to hold this concert came weeks after Be the Change committed $10,000 to Hagar international in Cambodia. We committed $10,000 the the rehabilitation efforts of children who have been trafficked--their bodies sold hundreds of times--and they survived. We have talked about Hagar before and the unbelievable work they do to restore the dignity, hope, and lives of children who have been trafficked in Cambodia. Their work is truly miraculous and they are transforming lives everyday. We are honored to work with them.

In addition, we are continuing to support the Restavek Freedom Foundation in Haiti. We will be having a special collection of change to go towards education for the child slaves of Haiti. Since the earthquake, these children need our help more than ever. The Restavek Freedom Foundation remains in Haiti to this day. And, since the earthquake, they have put hundreds of children back into school. We want to be a part of that. So we are turning pocket change into something powerful. We want to turn it into tuition for children who need it most. We hope you will join the movement on behalf of the children in Haiti.

If you would like to be a part of the planning for what we hope is an extraordinary event, please contact us at

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